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Seesaw Apps

Dear Parents/Guardians, 
Seesaw is a vital component in maintaining our strong home-school communication links. It will be our primary means of communication with parents. It can be accessed via tablet, smart phone or computer. 

Pupils in all classes have taken home two separate access codes for Seesaw this week. Please note, these codes are used to sign in on TWO separate Seesaw apps. 

🔹Seesaw Class App
🔹Seesaw Family App

All pupils should sign into ‘Seesaw Class’ app using their home-learning code. Once signed in, pupils can complete any homework tasks set by their class teacher. 

Parents/Guardians should sign into ‘Seesaw Family’ app using the family invite code. In doing so, you will be able to view your child(ren’s) Seesaw Journal as well as access important school announcements. 

Please ensure that your family are signed into BOTH apps at all times.
